The importance of play for dogs

The Importance of Play for Dogs: Beyond Fun and Games

Play is not just a fun activity for dogs; it is a crucial part of their overall well-being.Indie & Scout Plush Round Monster Toy PurpleFrom fostering mental stimulation to nurturing emotional health and confidence, play is integral to a dog's life. Understanding the science behind play and the emotions it triggers can help dog owners make informed choices about the best toys and activities to enrich their pets' lives. These underpin our decision making process when we select our great range of toys for your dogs here at We Know Pets. 

The Science of Play and Emotions in Dogs

Anyone that knows our business and our team of staff knows that we often refer to  renowned animal behaviourist Temple Grandin  who emphasises that animal behaviour is driven by what she terms "blue ribbon emotions". These emotions are core to how animals interact with their environment and include seeking, rage, fear, lust, care, and play. For dogs, these emotions are deeply interconnected with their need for play.

Seeking Behaviour: Seeking is one of the primary emotions that drive dogs toChuckit! Sport Launcher 14S – 33Cm (Small 5Cm Balls)explore and make sense of their surroundings. When dogs engage in play that stimulates their seeking behaviour, they not only satisfy their curiosity but also reduce stress and anxiety.

Toys like the Chuckit range are excellent for this purpose. Chuckit toys encourage dogs to chase, fetch, and retrieve, triggering their natural instincts to search and explore. This type of play not only provides physical exercise but also stimulates a dog’s mind, fulfilling their inherent need to seek and investigate their environment.


Mental Enrichment and Problem-Solving: Mental stimulation is as important asphysical exercise for dogs. Without it, dogs can become bored, leading to unwanted behaviours such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking. Puzzle toys, like those designed by Nina Ottosson or the KONG company, are perfect for engaging a dog’s brain. These toys challenge dogs to solve problems, often requiring them to move pieces or lift lids to find hidden treats. This type of play taps into their seeking behaviour while also providing mental enrichment, keeping their minds sharp and their spirits high. Slow feed or maze bowls are a great way to introduce problem solving with a reward (their dinner) to your dogs repetoir!

Comfort and Care: Dogs, like humans, seek comfort and security. This need is Yours Droolly Cuddle Muff Puptied to the emotion of care, which in dogs is closely related to their attachment to their owners and their environment. Plush toys can provide this comfort, acting as a source of security for dogs when they are alone or anxious. These toys can remind dogs of their maternal bonds, offering a sense of care and reassurance.




Play for Senior Dogs

As mammals, play is most evident during youth, and for many species, the urge to play diminishes with age. However, humans and dogs are unique in their sustained enthusiasm for play, even as they grow older. Although the nature of their games may evolve over time, the importance of play remains significant. That's why experienced dog trainers often encourage using play as a positive reinforcement for desired behaviours. Engaging in enjoyable play not only strengthens the bond between dogs and their owners but also keeps dogs motivated, attentive, and eager to interact.

The use of puzzle toys and games such as hide and seek can help prevent any decline of  cognitive functionin your dog.

The Broader Benefits of Play for Dogs

Chuckit Ball Launcher

Recent research underscores the broader benefits of play for dogs. A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior highlighted how play can reduce aggression and anxiety in dogs, contributing to better overall behaviour. Another study in the Applied Animal Behaviour Science journal found that dogs who regularly engage in play are more sociable and better adjusted to different environments and situations.

Moreover, play is essential for dogs of all ages, from puppies to seniors. For puppies, play helps develop crucial motor skills and social behaviours. For adult dogs, it provides an outlet for energy and can help maintain a healthy weight. For senior dogs, gentle play can help keep them active and engaged, preventing cognitive decline and encouraging continued physical activity.

Choosing the Right Toys for Your Dog

Outward Hound Puzzle Food Bowl

Understanding your dog’s needs and the emotions that drive their behaviour is key to choosing the right toys. The Chuckit range is perfect for dogs who love to run and chase, providing both physical and mental exercise.  Puzzle toys are ideal for dogs who enjoy problem-solving and mental challenges. Plush toys offer comfort and can be especially beneficial for dogs who need a little extra security, whether due to separation anxiety or just a strong attachment to their owners. Our team of knowledgeable staff can help you select a core range of toys to help you turn on the emotional needs of your 

Play is more than just a way to pass the time for dogs; it is a vital component of their emotional and physical health. By tapping into the "blue ribbon emotions" identified by Temple Grandin, we can better understand our dogs' needs and provide them with the toys and activities that enrich their lives. Whether through the physical stimulation of a Chuckit toy, the mental challenge of a puzzle toy, or the comfort of a plush snuggle toy, play ensures that dogs lead happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives.


© weknowpets 2024



  • Grandin, T. (2009). Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Jones, S., & Collins, M. (2023). "The Impact of Play on Canine Behavior." Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 18, 10-18.
  • Smith, A., & Johnson, L. (2022). "Mental Enrichment and Problem-Solving in Domestic Dogs." Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 256, 104933.