How to Stop a Dog from Jumping Up in 6 Easy Steps

Dogs jumping up on people is a common issue, but it can be a nuisance, especially when your furry friend is greeting visitors or strangers. If your dog has a habit of jumping up on furniture, people, and other objects, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. Here are 6 easy steps to help you put an end to your pup's unpleasant behavior and teach them proper manners. 

Don't Ignore the Behavior.

One of the simplest ways to train your dog to stop jumping up is to ignore them but not their behaviour!  When they jump, turn away and avoid eye contact until they settle down. Once they have calmed down, praise and reward them. It is important to stay consistent when training your dog. Every time your pup jumps up, immediately stop them and address the behavior by saying 'no' firmly. This will help teach your dog that  jumping up is unacceptable and needs to be stopped. 

Use a Word Cue and Physical Body Block

Some dog breeds are more likely to jump than others. Essentially, this is part of their DNA. Research your breed to find out what traits your dog may display and what your dog was originally bred for.

To help prevent your pup from jumping up, use a word cue like "No! Down!" or "Off!" as soon as they start to jump and then give them a physical body block by placing your hand gently on top of their shoulder while they are in the air or turning your back to them. This will help them learn that jumping up is not acceptable and will help them to understand when there is and isn't an appropriate time for your pup to jump up.

Train your dog to sit & reward them

This way, when they jump up, you can give them the sit command, and rewardDivert your dogs jumping behaviour to sitting on command with positive reinforcementthem for obeying. Rewards can vary, depending on what works for your dog, it could be a treat or a gentle pat. This extra love and care can help teach your fur buddy to keep all four paws on the ground when they are around you. Eventually, your dog will learn that sitting is a more effective way to get attention than jumping up.

Create Distance When Your Dog Jumps Up on People and Things 

One way to stop your pup from jumping up is to create distance. Every time your pup jumps up, move away from them and don't reward the behavior with attention or a treat. This will help your dog understand that jumping up doesn't result in rewards or attention. Instead, they'll learn that if they want something, they need to stay grounded on all four paws.


Leash training

Ezy Dog Leash Vario 4 Dog Leads for Training

Leash your dog when you have visitors or when you're out in public, and when they try to jump, pull them back gently and give them the sit command. This will help them understand that jumping is not acceptable behaviour. EzyDog have a range of training leads that are perfect for obedience training. The EzyDog Vario Dog Leash serves 4 functions from the one lead! Adjust the length from long to short, use as an emergency collar & lead, use as a secure tether.

Consistency in training

Reward good behaviour with a tasty  dog treat!

Be consistent with your training. Every time your dog jumps, use the same command or approach, and be sure to reward them when they behave appropriately. Involve all of the family in this training and ensure they have your dog's favourite reward on hand for positive reinforcement.

Seek professional help from a dog trainer

If your dog's jumping behavior persists despite your best efforts, consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for additional guidance.

    Remember that training your dog to stop jumping up on people requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. With time and practice, your furry friend will learn to greet people calmly and politely.

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