Pet Care Blog

Is your dog scared of thunderstorms?

Is your dog scared of thunderstorms?

There are many types of anxiety that can be experienced by dogs, separation, noise and stimuli are a few of the more common. If left untreated, anxiety can often become worse and lead to behavioural problems in your dog. There are drug free alternatives that you can try such as the Thundershirt .
4 tips to help prevent life threatening bloat in your dog

4 tips to help prevent life threatening bloat in your dog

Recognising the early signs of bloat and seeking veterinary intervention is critical. Symptoms include, trying to vomit, belching and the obvious sign which is an enlarged belly.  Your dog may also have trouble getting comfortable and may move around a lot.
Help, my pet is lost!

7 Great hacks to give you the best chance of getting your pe...

Don't be left feeling helpless if your pet goes missing. These simple yet effective tips will ensure a safe and speedy reunion with your pet!
Overweight pets

Overweight pets

We love our pets and only have them for a comparatively short time. If your pet is overweight, the facts show clearly that they are likely to have both a shorter life span and poorer quality of life.
Could pets be a new source of energy?

Pet Power - Could pets be a new source of energy?

On average a dog can produce up to 500g of waste a day and a cat about 150 grams. A study in metropolitan Melbourne estimated the total daily output of dog waste at about 30 tonnes a day or 10950000 kg of waste a year. It is proposed to turn Rover’s droppings into methane, which can heat homes, cook meals and generate electricity.
5 Signs your dog could be stressed

5 Signs your dog could be stressed

Most owners think that dogs only pant when they are hot as it helps them cool. What many of us don't realise is that this It may also be an indicator of anxiety. If your pet appears to yawn around the same time that it is panting, this may  also be an indicator that it is stressed.