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Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - cat
Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - cat
Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - cat
Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - cat

Relaxopet PRO Animal Relaxation Trainer - cat


Regular price $159.95 Sale

RelaxoPet pro Cat relaxation system is a drug-free solution for cats suffering with anxiety or to maintain harmony in a multicat household!
Using motion sensors, the Relaxopet will swing into action to settle your cat when activated. Created in collaboration with vets & animal behaviourist, this system emits soothing, subliminal vibrations that have been programed to a frequency that will have a calming affect on your pet.

Recommended for:
-Excessive eating & grooming
-Destructive behaviour such as clawing
-General anxiety

It is portable, making it ideal for car trips, trips to the vet or new surroundings.
Fast charge LI battery via USB, up to 16 hour battery life.